Special Yoga Events & Retreats

Yoga Indra hosts workshops by different teachers and practitioners to give students an opportunity to learn about particular yoga practices, philosophy and some of the other practices that are allied to the yoga.

All are welcome. To book simply go to our online booking page or click on the ‘Book Now’ button, and select ‘special events’ at the top of the online the booking page.

Upcoming events include:

Chill and Chai – relaxation and meditation session

  • When: 24/2, 31/3, 28/4 (no May class) 30/6 (no July class) 25/8 (no Sept or Oct) 24/11
  • Where: Campbelltown Uniting Church hall, 607 Lower North East Road, Campbelltown SA
  • Cost: $25

A two-hour session of restorative and yin yoga poses and guided meditation designed to leave you feeling deeply relaxed and peaceful. Please bring your own mat and a cushion or pillow and consider bringing an extra blanket if the weather is cool. All other equipment provided. Book here.

yog in the parkFree Yoga in the Park

  • When: 2023 dates TBA
  • Where: The Gums Reserve, Shakespeare Ave, Tranmere
  • Cost: FREE

Join us for a free beginner level yoga class the park. (No bookings required. Please bring your own mat and water bottle.)

Retreat Group

Residential Yoga Retreat

  • When: 1-3 September 2023
  • Where: Tara Hils Retreat, Nairne
  • Cost: $450 – $550 depending on room selection

Our weekend retreats offer a chance to get away, relax and renew your spirit, and deepen your practice. The program includes guided meditation and gentle hatha yoga sessions, delicious vegetarian meals, comfortable accommodation, blissful chanting and a nature walk. To register your interest in future retreats, contact jane@yogaindra.com.au. Read more about the benefits of undertaking a yoga retreat here.

Register for our newsletter to receive information about upcoming events and classes.


6 Comments on "Special Yoga Events"

  1. Uri Whipp June 15 2015 at 10:49 am Reply

    I am loving the yoga practice. I find Lindy and Jane’s classes have become a special part of my week which I look forward too immensely.
    I am excited about the ‘extra’ dimension Jane is adding to the yoga practice with the additional classes being offered to compliment the asanas and pranayama.
    The Lochandra Retreat should be amazing. Please book me in for that!!

    • Jane@YogaIndra June 24 2015 at 01:31 am Reply

      Thanks for the feedback Uri. I’ll save a spot for you on the retreat. Should be a lovely weekend!

  2. Geraldine Waldron July 27 2015 at 05:10 am Reply

    Having just located your website through Shanti Sound, I am very sorry that I missed your Ayurveda Workshop on 21 July! Will there be another workshop? I would be very interested to attend and learn more about this holistic approach to directing & managing ones own health & nutrition.
    Thank you.

    • Jane@YogaIndra July 31 2015 at 05:33 am Reply

      Hi Geraldine

      We don’t have another one planned at this stage, but if there’s sufficient interest we may do another one later in the year. In the meantime, I suggest following Cherub Veda on Facebook as I know Shameela does talks at other centres occasionally. Namaste Jane

      • Geraldine Waldron September 04 2015 at 03:50 am Reply

        Thank you Jane. Will do.

  3. Janneine September 04 2015 at 11:31 am Reply

    I too would be interested in Ayurveda workshop if another will be arranged, also information on Yoga Retreats. Hoping to rejoin yoga again Jane thanks Janneine

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