7 Great Reasons to do a Yoga Retreat
A yoga retreat is a great way to fully experience the power of yoga, and the impact it can have on both body and mind. A good yoga retreat should take you beyond your mat and offer you an experience of the broader practice of yoga – which you simply can’t get from a class […]
Pranayama (Yogic Breathing)
Pranayama Breath is the principle vehicle for cultivating prana – universal life energy. Pranayama, the practice of conscious breathing, is one of the most important aspects of Hatha yoga. The ancient yogi’s developed this practice because they knew what modern science has confirmed – that the cells of our body need oxygen. And once the […]
Mantra Meditation
Mantra The literal translation of the Sanskrit word ‘mantra’ is ‘instrument of the mind’ or ‘instrument of thought’. Mantras are used in yoga and in mediation to anchor the wandering mind. The repetition of a mantra (known as performing ‘japa’) helps pull wayward thoughts back to the present moment. According to tradition there are 70 […]