7 Great Reasons to do a Yoga Retreat

A yoga retreat is a great way to fully experience the power of yoga, and the impact it can have on both body and mind. A good yoga retreat should take you beyond your mat and offer you an experience of the broader practice of yoga – which you simply can’t get from a class […]

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Meditation for Kids & Teens

Meditation for Kids & Teens ‘I’m bored!’ It could be the mantra of youth. In our fast paced, technology driven world our kids are conditioned to expect constant external stimulation. With hundreds of TV channels and movies on demand, constant pinging of messages on mobile phones, 101 different social media accounts to keep updated with […]

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Yoga for a Balanced Life – 5 Principles for Well Being

Yoga is so much more than the postures we perform in class! I find it very difficult as a teacher to share the huge amount of wisdom that forms the basis for the practice that we know as yoga in the West. Yoga is both deeply spiritual and very practical. It’s an all-encompassing philosophy that […]

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Yoga Nidra ‘The Sleep of the Yogi’

Yoga Nidra At the simplest level there are 3 keys to good health: 1) good diet, 2) exercise, and 3) sleep. During sleep our body goes in to a heightened anabolic state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. However, sleep is far more than a state of energy conservation and […]

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5 Reasons to Make Yoga Your New Years Resolution

• Lose weight • Improve my health and fitness • De-stress • Create some ‘me-time’ • Learn something new. These are some of the most popular new years resolutions that people make.  They’re also 5 great reasons to make yoga your new years resolution! 1. Lose Weight While some forms of yoga will have you sweating it out in […]

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