Living Yoga in a Messed Up World
Is it just me, or is the thought of Donald Trump leading one of the world’s most powerful countries absolutely terrifying? Sadly we are living in an age where statements of hate are a common part of political exchange. The level of so-called ‘debate’ has sunk to name calling and baseless, divisive lies. We are […]
Yoga & Sex
Let me say upfront this article probably isn’t what you think it is. If you’re looking for a few tantric tips, or an exposé on how being extra-bendy can make you a better lover then you’ll be sadly disappointed! Instead, my intent is to reflect on sex within the context of yoga as a spiritual […]
7 Great Reasons to do a Yoga Retreat
A yoga retreat is a great way to fully experience the power of yoga, and the impact it can have on both body and mind. A good yoga retreat should take you beyond your mat and offer you an experience of the broader practice of yoga – which you simply can’t get from a class […]
Yoga for a Balanced Life – 5 Principles for Well Being
Yoga is so much more than the postures we perform in class! I find it very difficult as a teacher to share the huge amount of wisdom that forms the basis for the practice that we know as yoga in the West. Yoga is both deeply spiritual and very practical. It’s an all-encompassing philosophy that […]
Yoga Nidra ‘The Sleep of the Yogi’
Yoga Nidra At the simplest level there are 3 keys to good health: 1) good diet, 2) exercise, and 3) sleep. During sleep our body goes in to a heightened anabolic state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. However, sleep is far more than a state of energy conservation and […]
Pranayama (Yogic Breathing)
Pranayama Breath is the principle vehicle for cultivating prana – universal life energy. Pranayama, the practice of conscious breathing, is one of the most important aspects of Hatha yoga. The ancient yogi’s developed this practice because they knew what modern science has confirmed – that the cells of our body need oxygen. And once the […]
What is Yoga Asana?
Yoga Asana The ultimate goal of yoga is moksha (liberation). The word yoga comes from the sanskrit word ‘yuj’ that is said to mean union. Often described in this way: “Union of body and mind; breath and movement; ease and effort; and ultimately, union of the individual self with the divine self.” Hatha yoga regards […]
Yoga for Managing Stress
Most of us understand intuitively that prolonged stress is not good, but do you know that stress actually manifests itself on a physical level? Each time we find ourselves under pressure the hypothalamus stimulates the release of stress hormones including adrenalin and cortisol. Many studies have shown the ongoing activation of our stress-response system disrupts […]
About Karma Yoga
The Four Paths of Yoga Raja Yoga The different types of yoga practiced in the west are mostly based on/derived from Hatha Yoga, which is itself based on a path of yoga known as Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga (the ‘royal’/classical yoga) is the science of physical and mental control. It prescribes the use of asana […]
Honouring Indra Devi – The Mother of Western Yoga
Sitting on the cool black marble staircase of the Panmana Ashram towards the end of my teaching course, I began to contemplate establishing a teaching practice back in my home town of Adelaide. My thoughts wandered from the practical, such as where I could teach, to the philosophical, such as how I could integrate the […]