Gentle/Seniors Yoga

Seniors yoga is specially designed for older people and those with limited mobility. The focus is on correct breathing, stretching, balance and relaxation with exercises designed to help keep people mobile, prevent falls and improve sleep. Many of the exercises can be modified to be performed seated in a chair rather than on the floor.

When: Friday morning at 9.30am

Where: Campbelltown Uniting Church, 607 Lower North East Rd, Campbelltown (front of church building)

Cost:  Seniors and pension card holders pay $100 for a 10-class pass or $12 casual. Non-concession 10-class pass $120 (valid for 4 months), or $15 casual.

To book your place go our booking page.  You can choose to pay online or pay later.  (Please bring correct change if you’re paying in class.)

Event Timeslots (1)

Gentle/seniors casual yoga

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