What To Wear
At Yoga Indra we’re not big on yoga fashion. By all means, wear your Lululemon – but there are no mirrors to check yourself out, so any stretchy or loose-fitting clothes will do just fine.
You will find yourself upside down occasionally, so you might like to think about a top that will stay in place during your down dog.
Yoga is done in bare feet, so come in shoes that are easy to slip on and off. If you have long hair tie it up.
What to Bring
While there are a couple of spare mats available, we recommend you bring your own yoga mat. We usually have a few brand new mats available for purchase We also have yoga props available for use and for sale including yoga straps, eye pillows and blocks.
If the weather is cool you may wish to bring a shawl or light blanket for relaxation. If it is warm, we suggest you bring a bottle of water.
If you have sore or sensitive knees you can bring a towel or small blanket to put under them for the kneeling poses. And if you have difficulty sitting comfortably in crossed-legs think about bringing a cushion along.