Gentle Seniors Yoga Classes for Older People and those with Limited Mobility

seniors chair yoga sepia

Seniors yoga is specially designed for older people and those with limited mobility. The focus is on correct breathing, stretching, balance and relaxation with exercises designed to help keep people mobile, prevent falls and improve sleep. Many of the exercises can be modified to be performed seated in a chair rather than on the floor.

As we age our strength and mobility decreases but the natural effects of aging can be countered with seniors yoga. Students are gradually introduced to a range of asanas (postures) which improve the range of motion of joints, the density of bone and muscle tissue and improve cardiovascular fitness without the strain of more intense exercise regimes.

Multiple studies have also demonstrated the positive effects of yoga on the mental health of seniors. It has been shown to be particularly effective in improving symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. It can even assist with the relief of menopausal discomfort. To support mental health every class includes mindfulness practices and a yoga nidra body-sensing relaxation.

In the non-threatening, friendly atmosphere of a Yoga Indra Seniors Yoga class, you can also make new friends and enjoy a break from your daily routine.

Take a look at our blog or our FAQ’s page for more information about the general physical and mental health benefits of yoga.

Note: While this class is very gentle, if you have a pre-existing health condition, injury or have had recent surgery please ensure you check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

When: Friday morning at 9.30am

Where: Campbelltown Uniting Church, 607 Lower North East Rd, Campbelltown SA (front of the church building)

Cost:  Seniors and pension card holders pay $100 for a 10-class pass (which is valid for 4 months) or $12 casual.

To book your place go our booking page.  You can choose to pay online or pay later.  (Please bring correct change if you’re paying in class.)
