Yoga for a Balanced Life – 5 Principles for Well Being
Yoga is so much more than the postures we perform in class!
I find it very difficult as a teacher to share the huge amount of wisdom that forms the basis for the practice that we know as yoga in the West. Yoga is both deeply spiritual and very practical. It’s an all-encompassing philosophy that I have barely scraped the surface of in my own studies!
There are many schools of yoga, and I feel fortunate to have chosen the Sivananda school as it appeals to my pragmatic nature.
Born in India in 1887, Swami Sivananda, the school’s founder was originally a medical doctor, who took the ancient teachings and condensed them into 5 principles for physical, mental and spiritual well being. These 5 principles form the foundation for a balanced life. They are:-
- Proper Exercise (asana)
- Proper Breathing (pranayama)
- Proper Relaxation
- Proper Diet (vegetarian)
- Positive Thinking and Meditation
These principles are based on an understanding of the interplay between body and mind. The yogis have always understood that exercise, conscious breathing, a simple healthy diet, quality rest and positive thinking are fundamental elements of a balanced life. With a healthy body and a clear, still mind, practitioners are prepared for spiritual development.
In terms of spiritual development I should note that yoga is not a religion. Yogis do not worship a god. The spiritual practices of yoga are designed to help practitioners become aware of their deepest nature – their connection with the ‘divine’ (from which they were never really separate).
The path (or science) of yoga also recommends meditation on, and cultivation of loving kindness, compassion, acceptance, non-violence, truthfulness, non-possessiveness and training the senses to help purify the mind and allow people connect with their true nature.
So, there you have one small taste of the vast wisdom of yoga! I hope it gives you a little inspiration to look beyond your mat for balance in your daily life.
About Jane@YogaIndra
Jane Miller, is an internationally accredited Hatha Yoga teacher, living and working in Adelaide, South Australia. Jane originally studied in the Sivananda tradition and has gone on to explore a range of other traditions and techniques that she shares with students through her community yoga studio, Yoga Indra.
Jane has been practicing yoga and meditation for over twelve years and continues to develop her knowledge and commitment to the ancient practice of yoga as the science of living.